I am a creative person. Not only with writing, but with fabric and, occasionally, paint. However, in order to share these things, I find that I must become a marketing professional as well. This does not come naturally to me, as from childhood, I've been the 'invisible' one. Kept my head down, didn't talk much, tried very hard not to be noticed. This worked for me for years, but now, not so much.
So, this blog, a Twitter account, a Facebook page for my writing, and a spot on Goodreads later, I am more public than I've ever been in my life. And it's freaking me out! A little thrilled, too, to be honest. The idea that anyone would actually *want* to inspect my thoughts on this or that is a bit weird, but kinda neat, too. Still, this is the way of the world, and I am no Luddite, so I suppose I'll just have to get used to it. I do rather hope the feeling of 'Wow, people actually read my stuff? Awesome!' never goes away. I'm awaiting my first controversy with a bit of trepidation, though. And trolls. I have a bit of a temper, and just walking away from something that pushes my buttons is not easy.
At any rate, the journey should be interesting, and I thank anyone reading this for coming along on a bit of the trip. If you'd like more of my blather, check these out:
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