When one writes strong characters, one should not be surprised if they take the wheel, so to speak, from time to time.
In writing a certain scene for the next book, I had intended for two of my more 'interesting' creations to be, if not enemies, at least extremely suspicious of each other. They, however, had other ideas. It seems that while my back was turned, they became best buddies, and were out carousing together whilst I hammered away at their big 'confrontation' scene.
Rather than fight it, an author is best served by just going with the flow. When one resists the natural direction of the story, one risks making a right hash of things. On a key point like this, specific wording may go through several adjustments, but the main gist of the tale should stay true to what one's muse has given.
Reflecting that I'm not the only one who's characters have gone off on their own directions, I set aside the original idea, and put together some scenes revolving around this new dynamic. I'm sure it will surprise no-one that these second scenes have flowed much more easily than the first.
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