I have a confession to make.
I am not a very good writer.
Oh, maybe some of my little scribbles will amuse, but as a dedicated professional, well, I suck. A successful writer sits down every day and hammers on their story, whether they 'feel' it or not. That is the way those long, beautiful works get done. But me? I tend to get distracted by shiny things, and am very lazy when it comes to actually sitting down and working.
It really is a sore point I have with myself, and one which needs a lot of work. But where to start? I have several stories for the Edge Walker universe inside, and I do want to share them, but why is it so hard for me to just sit down and start? That, my friends, is the issue!
Part of me is very judgmental when it comes to whatever I set my hand to create, be it a story, a drawing, a costume or what-have-you. Somehow, if this bit could be turned off, I think it would be much easier to just create, without worry that my inner editor would scoff at the results. Finding that off-switch isn't easy, though, so I guess I'll just have to set my jaw and muddle through.
That's a bit of why I started this blog. If I can make myself write here, I should be more easily able to write anywhere.
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